Sunday, February 5, 2012

Skeptical About The Asparagus

Hmmm, today I was in a sandwich mood. I'm sure you know what I mean. The one where all you want is some glorious array of toppings, any which ones, as long as they are perfectly compatible, all in between two pieces of BREAD. How I love bread. And Pasta. Pasta with bread. Oh. Enough's enough. 
Well anyway, the kind of bread I like to make my grilled sandwiches with is cheap bread. The kind that squishes down way too easily in any other circumstance. The kind you normally can't spread without tearing holes in, no matter how room temperature your butter (or other spreadable, edible substance) is. 
So today, these ingredients found their way onto two slices of potato bread, with a lightly flour dusted top:

Spicy Brown Mustard
Marionberry Jam
Fontina Cheese
Leftover Roast Pork
Thinly Sliced Red Onions
Pickled Asparagus 

That's right. I thinly sliced the cheese, the roast, the asparagus. Assembled the rest. And thanked God for the toaster oven as I happily buttered the outside of the bread, very carefully. Broiled that sucker for about 3 minutes, until it was the perfect mix of crispy, creamy, cold and warm. It has found its home in my stomach. 

What are your favorite things to put on a sandwich? 

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